Using the I4.0Lab real environment, is possible to specialize in methods and tools to handle and process large data bases on Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. Thanks to an evolved IT infrastructure and the OPC-UA interface, data can be collected from machine IoT systems, or from IT systems for the production and logistic flows planning and synchronization. Manufacturing Big Data includes the application of new techniques and tools for Data Analytics & Visualization, Simulation and Forecasting to highlight hidden information in the data and its effective use to support quick decisions

This expression indicates recent developments in wearable devices and new man/machine interfaces for the acquisition and/or transmission of voice, visual and tactile information. The I4.0 Lab Advanced HMI includes innovative systems such as touch displays for data reading and acquisition, virtual reality and augmented reality in support of operational activities and operator training. Researchers consider the Internet of Things devices as the predominant data acquisition device (i.e. wearable device for energy and sustainability measurement), and in the Advanced HMI field those with innovative components in interaction between operators and mechanical and computer systems

Advanced Automation refers to the latest developments in automated production systems such as the ability to interact with the environment, self-learning and automated guidance (robotic cells, AGV systems, drones), the use of vision and pattern recognition (handling systems, quality control) and finally the ability to interact with the operators

The I4.0 Lab cloud-based manufacturing application allows a widespread, easy-to-access, on-demand access to IT infrastructure, platform or application services-supporting production processes and supply chain management. Cloud Manufacturing ranges from virtualization of the physical resources needed to the factory machines to that of applications, data and processes on e-execution and e-collaboration platforms hosted by Cloud, to the same production resources, enabled for example by platforms on which to load the production specifications of an item (drawings, requirements, volumes, etc.) and from which to obtain delivery proposals

A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a mechanism that is controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms, tightly integrated with the Internet and its users. In cyber-physical systems, physical and software components are deeply intertwined, each operating on different spatial and temporal scales, exhibiting multiple and distinct behavioral modalities, and interacting with each other in a myriad of ways that change with context. CPS mechanisms allow to obtain several application in the Smart Integration area, which includes New Product Development, Suppliers Relationship Management, Product Lifecycle Management, and Digital twin, that refers to a digital replica of physical assets, processes and systems that can be used for various purposes. The digital representation provides both the elements and the dynamics of how CPS device operates and lives throughout its life cycle.

The IoT paradigm describes a scenario whereby every object we use daily can become intelligent (that is, with auto-identification, localization, status diagnosis, data acquisition, processing, implementation) and connected through standard communication protocols. The IT application domain affects all areas of human activity (homes and buildings, automotive, environment, smart city, agriculture, healthcare, etc.) and is strongly present within the I4.0 Lab, thanks to an high interconnection of the system machine and sensors